
many years I have been known as the Spirit of the Flames of Mercy and
Compassion. I would like to speak to you about that Flame because its
presence is so important in the feeling world of those who desire to heal.
Human will does not heal! No permanent healing of mind and body can come
just through effort of human will beloved ones. Your feeling world is
composed of far more than half of your life energy and the quality flowing
through your feelings is the conductor through which flows that qualified
healing essence into the world of the one whom you wish to benefit.
Blessed ones, your feeling world is the bridge over which flows the gathered
healing elixir of qualified life, entering the mind of the patient to dispel
shadows, entering into his feelings to dispel depression; entering into his
flesh to resurrect it and bring it new life.

Compassion is a positive quality; sympathy is a negative
quality. These two qualities are exactly opposites. Sympathy, Saint Germain
has told you, is agreement with imperfection. This means that your life
force, flowing through the silver cord from your Presence, immediately takes
on the quality of the distress, rushing forth uncontrolled, attaching itself
to the person in distress. Thus, rather than helping such a one, you weigh
him down with more of the same quality of this unhappy energy by turning
your attention and your qualified energy-sympathy toward him. You let this
virtue flow out from you without control. You magnify and magnetize the
distress. Compassion, witnessing the requirement of the moment, does not
allow the feeling to leave the Heart Flame with an acceptance of the
discordant appearance. It does not accept that there is a power greater than
God. Then, in the masterful poise of that God-anchorage, the healing powers
are drawn and projected to the one in need. All this time your Electronic
Presence, through your feeling world, is in complete mastery of the
condition or circumstance.
If you are going to become a healing power in this
universe, you must become a fountain of positively controlled energy. Your
soul is the accumulated consciousness to which I AM speaking. Your outer
consciousness has recorded within it the doubt and fear, the experiences and
impressions that you have acquired through all the centuries you have lived.
Now you must take your soul and in quiet introspection, examine it well.
Find out if you really believe in your heart an in our feelings that there
is no other power than God. When you say intellectually from the lips, "I AM
the God-Power Almighty. There is no other power that can act!" Do you mean

The healing lifestream must be a positive individual.
Within his heart, soul, and spirit, he must be as sure of the Father's
Presence as was the Master Jesus when he stood before the tomb of Lazarus
and, without fear or ridicule or doubt, as to the response of that soul,
called, "Lazarus! Come forth!." Jesus knew that God within, the living
Presence of that man, would draw Lazarus from the seeming appearance of
death. Thus to all who would believe, Jesus gave actual proof that there is
no such thing as death. Such an appearance comes only from the acceptance of
the outer consciousness. You can not approach the healing of nations, nor
the healing of a planet if it groans in pain and agony with a negative
acceptance of defeat.
We dwell in a realm within which there is no
imperfection. We qualified to live therein because our consciousness has
been trained not to create even one thought or feeling that would be
inharmonious. Every lifestream, every being in the universe, creates from
within himself the atmosphere and world of activity in which he dwells.
Anyone can live either in the Kingdom of Heaven this hour or continue in the
generations of human thought and feeling, dwelling in the astral and physic
Accept my gift of mercy. I AM giving you the gift of my
mercy to life, my compassion, my positive assurance of all that the power of
God can do for you... Accept it! Open your hearts! Open your souls! Open
your feelings! Accept my gift! According to your acceptance is it done unto
you. Your dear minds want to accept but it is in the unresponsive feelings
that we find the resistance of even the most earnest chelas. It is in the
buried resentments, rebellions and disappointments of the etheric
consciousness that we find the 'block' to the building of the individual
foci of the sacred fire in those of you through which we would like to walk
the Earth as a fountain of that merciful Violet Flame, freeing life
everywhere from distortion and imperfection, restoring it again to its
perfect God design.
Will you endeavor to become a representative of the
Goddess of Mercy to life? Will you let your energies, in tune with God, wrap
your world in the seamless garment of the Ascended Host? Through that
radiation, you can charge the quality of every bit of energy you contact,
making the blind to see; the lame to walk; the dead to rise; the unbalanced
to have the dignity of mastery and control of their own consciousness. Your
energies connected with mine are more powerful than the combined mass energy
of the billions of souls who have not yet raised their consciousness. Let us
not forget for a moment that in dealing with each other we are dealing with
friends, for I AM your friend and you are mine! Together we shall be master
of the energies flowing through you, which are capable of raising and
redeeming this dear Earth.
I ask you now, as the flaming power of mercy, forgiveness
and love divine encircles the Earth, to open your feeling worlds to the
acceptance of this power of transmutation and allow the miracle-working
alchemy to melt those creations in consciousness that yet hold you bound.
Accept it for all life! It is the greatest concentration of the forgiving
love of the Cosmic Christ that the Earth has yet known.
Now beloved hearts, I ask you to be that mercy, forgiveness and love divine
to all life everywhere. Do you know what mercy is? It is more kindness than
justice requires; it is more kindness than can be claimed by merit or
service. Will you daily begin to consciously forgive all life that has
consciously or unconsciously done you an injustice, back to the beginning of
time? Make it a daily ritual of your contemplative hours.
Where you see those distortions of mind and body, of
disease or distress of any kind? Stop for a moment and consciously forgive
the energy that created such an appearance and set that energy free. I shall
amplify your every endeavor to be the merciful, forgiving, loving power of
my presence and I shall be so grateful to use you as myself while we have
the opportunity of drawing, focusing, and directing the Flame of Mercy on a
worldwide scale.
© The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
More about Kwan Yin
