the builders of form. They represent the Wisdom aspect of the
Godhead. They create minerals, flowers, plants. The fairies and
gnomes are the earth elementals, the undines, the water elementals,
the sylphs inhabit the skies and the salamanders the fire element.
represent the Feeling world of God. From the tiniest Cherubs till
the Magnificent Galactic Archangels, they provide the inhabitants of
the Sphere they serve in, the Divine Feelings of God as much as
these beings can absorb. However they have to be invoked to radiate
their blessings into the form worlds.
Ascended Masters evolve out of the human races.
When a human being has mastered his/her energies and
accomplished his/her divine plan, (s)he receives the opportunity to
become an ascended master. Then seven Pathways are opening, one of
them is earthly service.
The Spiritual Hierarchy
is the Planetary Government and consist of Beings far beyond the
human level. The head is the
Lord of the World Gautama,
Who was the previous Buddha. The task of the Hierarchy is to improve
the establishment of the Divine Plan of this Earth as is designed by
the God Parents of this System.
Silent Watcher
evolves from the elemental kingdom and has the task to hold
the immaculate concept of the divine plan to which they are
assigned. This can be a landscape, a city, a country, a human being,
a planet a solar system, etc. They are in all graded orders.
There is a Plan in action securing the Divine Order of all things.
A Chohan is a Lord or Lady of a
Their task
is to administer the qualities of that Ray to all the peoples of
Earth who
themselves for those virtues.
They are magnificent powerful beings.
They develop from the Elemental Kingdom
into Beings of Cosmic Magnitude.
They are the Builders of Planets and Solar Systems
and follow the direct orders of the Sun Gods.
They are the
God-Parents of a System of Worlds
and endow all Their creations with the Spark of Life.
is the
returning energy of all the energy and vibrations you have sent
forth during
the long journey of your evolution here on Earth.