Specific Quality
As you know,
qualities manifest as color and sound on the
inner realms. Have you ever wondered why an
Ascended Master or Cosmic Being is fully
satisfied by developing one specific quality as
the main purpose of Their Being? Well, in the
Eternal Cosmic Scheme of all things there is no
limitation. For instance even you can observe
from your point of evolution, how many different
hues of purple and violet are working in close
proximity in the 7th
Ray. Every different hue represents a different
attribute or aspect of the quality, a different
radiation and blessing, and a different effect.
In the Eternal Scope of Life there are universes
of Violet Light and Beings, and immense
possibilities to learn, apply and grow. And even
these universes might merely be layers of
light in the Causal Body of another Cosmic
Being. Eternity is a wonderful thing. Every
quality, every color or sound, every atom of
light has consciousness of a certain grade.
Therefore it is always wise to approach them
with love and reverence, knowing that the joy of
service is an inherent quality of life in the
higher realms. The illusion of being separate of
anything no longer exists on this level, and
coexistence to service for a common goal is the
general way of communication. The beings of
light are always engaged in projects of their
superiors, endeavoring to fulfill a perfect
service. That is their life and a joy to

See yourself as a divine being, who is working
with the Sacred Fire to control, purify and
transform the lower vehicles. No longer accept
yourself as a human being striving to develop a
higher consciousness. Make the switch. When the
vestiges of human consciousness have been
defeated and your
Three Fold Flame is perfectly balanced, you
can see your path stretching out before you into
infinity. It is your specific path created by
your Godparents giving you the opportunity to
offer your unique gifts to this Universe and
Universes yet to come.
The questions: who you are, and why you're here,
are always close connected to time and space.
Life is a gift, and the individualization of the
'animal-human' into the 'human-human' is a
process of development in consciousness and
matter. Consciousness has to control and direct
matter into beauty and perfection. Thus he or
she develops his or her divine nature and
destiny into the perfect human. But it doesn't
stop there. It always goes on. So you are the
Presence of God I AM and you are here and now to
establish the "Kingdom of Heaven" on earth. When
you continue to raise the vibratory activity of
your vehicles you get access to the higher
vibration of the God qualities you love and
admire so much. In this way you will be able to
radiate this higher vibration into the Earth
atmosphere through your physical and etheric
bodies. Your very presence on this plane allows
you to set a higher vibration in motion, thus
creating a
higher octave
of light on Earth.

Every divine quality is a gift from a celestial
being. It is a life form with its own divine
plan and life cycle. By sharing the gifts of his
color in service to other life forms it grows
and becomes more aware of its reason for being.
If you keep this knowledge as a reminder in the
backgrounds of your mind, you will always be
loving and reverent towards all life. If you
meditate upon a quality or a truth, and continue
to do so for long periods of time in rhythmic
application, you BECOME that truth or quality.
Be it peace, harmony, power or love. In this way
the Masters tend Their Flames and expand them
through all eternity.
