Behold primal life as a liquid-light like substance.
Then see how by free will self-consciousness wraps
itself in it, molding it into a form of exquisite
beauty. This is the birth of a quality, an idea, an art,
a symphony, a teaching, a philosophy, or wherever the
attention of the consciousness is attracted to, or aimed
at. Entering the formless worlds of energy, you notice
how important it is to FOCUS. Only when you focus your
attention you can select and wield the energy, which is
of the best assistance at a specific time for a certain
project or situation. However, the focus itself is also
composed of energy. The energy of your attention and the
energy of your ‘chalice’. How greater and stronger the
‘chalice’, the more energy can be directed. The
concentration of your attention decides the time and the
intensity of the energy. Practice! When your ‘chalice’
is getting stronger and the outline more defined, the
attacks of the lower self can no longer disturb the
balance. You still feel the attacks, but it doesn’t
occupy your consciousness any longer. Your attention is
fixed on other things. So by withdrawing your attention
you do not enhance the negativity. Mastery is a steady
process. Your aura has to become so strong, that no
outer distraction can touch it any more. Then you will
have reached the place where “the light no longer
flickers”. Your I AM Presence will always protect you.
deeper into primal energy you experience how it reacts
when you approach. It begins to vibrate in the same way
and intensity as your forcefield. That’s the reason why
you had to make the enormous cycle of experience in the
form worlds to experiment with energy and vibration to
build your specific forcefield. Without it your energy
should merge with the primal energy and your
consciousness with primal life, and you had to start all
over again. Now that you have this forcefield you can
consciously create by freewill and enthusiastically lend
your energies to projects in concert with your
superiors, to further the cause of a divine plan.
always attack you, when you are not alert. When you are
tired or “sleepy”. It is no longer allowed to be
“sleepy” on this path, because it needs your
and purity to keep your feet on the road so you can make
your next step. Never stop using the Violet Fire and
know, that you are the Christ in Action AT ALL TIMES!
When you allow your consciousness to dwell on old and
worn-out thoughts and feelings you lower the vibratory
activity of your bodies as you know. Be attentive and
don’t let this happen. Only pure and perfect thoughts
and feelings are allowed on the path toward the
When your outer being is disturbed by negative
vibrations that you cannot influence [ loud noises, or
“music” ] do not let these vibrations enter the
sanctuary of your inner balance and harmony. How? By not
allowing them to go beyond the physical level. Do not
allow them to enter your feeling world. It is a test you
have to face and pass.
Perfection is already present in any circumstance.
Merely the distortion around it does prevent you seeing
it. Just shift the focus of your attention to the inner
truth and call it forth.
When you work with primal energy and try to mold it into
form you can choose to do that by yourself, or you can
use already formed thoughtforms or ideas, made by Cosmic
and Ascended Beings, which are not yet manifested in the
world of form. If you choose the latter, you make a
connection with the Creator of that thoughtform, who
will help you, if you ask Him or Her, to assist you.
This is also a form of communication between spiritual
If you take the effort to align your four lower
vehicles, fully obeying and waiting for directions of
the higher triangle: the
Holy Christ Self, Causal Body and I AM Presence, a
channel emerges capable to emit the light of the Higher
Octaves in the world of form. Then your keynote will
sound forth. When it does, people will be drawn to you
in ever more quantities. Not merely on the physical
plane. Life is recognizing the specific service you give
and because you are unique as all life is, you learn
from each other, when the bodies are purified and the
energy flow begins. Just like your arms and hands are
tools in the three dimensional world, so are the divine
qualities your tools in the inner realms. Whether you
have to use them with chirurgical precision in a certain
condition, or to blaze them as Sacred Fire on a larger
scheme. Practice makes perfect, and the joy to work with
them will enhance your skills ever more.