The Great Silence is the Source of all that is,
has been or ever will be. It is the “Store
House” of Divine Creation and Maintenance. Being
in the Silence, radiating forth all the divine
qualities that are adamant on the moment, you
completely forget self. You are just a focus of
light, radiating the energies necessary to
hasten or enhance a project at hand. Being God
in Action.
state of being
has to become customary and rhythmic. Being and
Acting from within the Silence of
God-Consciousness 24 hours a day. Try to expand
your consciousness in the Silence as far as you
can. While you do this, enfold all life
as much as
your consciousness
is able to do.
When you’ve reached your limits, blaze forth
love, peace, happiness and harmony. What has
happened? You made a thoughtform, which maybe
containing universes, with suns and Central
Suns, and you filled that with all the divine
qualities you felt necessary. This thoughtform
will be used for the greater good. The actual
expansion of your aura even temporarily will be
very limited. As you know to expand your aura to
even enfold a planet, needs the consciousness of
an Initiate of the ninth degree. A Lord of the
the beloved Gautama, blessed be His Name.

When you gain a momentum in the Silence and your
four lower vehicles are perfectly purified and
in one line, you can start the work you came
for: being a channel of the Light of God on the
physical, etheric, mental and emotional planes
of this Planet. Being one with God you know and
experience, that all the energies you’re working
with are alive and intelligent. By using them,
you become one with them and responsible for the
way you use them. You have always done that
unconsciously. Now it is time to serve with them
on a conscious base. When you experience “God”
as an Energy, which can take any form, any size,
any quality, and that the only requirement is a
self-conscious being using freewill, you can
imagine how immense the responsibility is to use
this energy wisely. Which way you go, how much
time you have are all later issues. Use your
energies wisely in the Here and Now!
You are always placed in the perfect
circumstances to live your life and fulfill your
divine plan. Be attentive to the opportunities
at hand to make the fullest of your day. To be
open for the suggestions of your Holy Christ
Self you need to be in a state of Listening
Grace all the time, so you will never miss an
opportunity when it is given. By constantly
training your four lower vehicles to outpicture
only perfection, the outer world HAS TO RESPOND.
You will gradually notice that the inner
perfection will manifest in your sphere of
influence. Perfection already exists. You only
have to manifest it in the world of form by
molding your vehicles in the form they can
outpicture this perfection. Try!
To focus
your attention on brilliant white light helps at
times to discover remnants of negativity that
linger on hidden places in some of your four
lower vehicles. The crystalline white light
brings them to the fore, where they can be
transmuted into perfection by the
Sacred Violet Fire.
