The fulfillment of the divine plan takes place
after the manifestation of the divine qualities
through your lifestream 24 hours a day. No
negativity, doubt or personal desire will ever
cloud your consciousness again. God’s WILL BE
DONE! When you’ve learned to recognize the
Voice of the Presence of God I AM as your own
voice and fully comply with the commandment:
“Not my will, but Thine be
done”, you will be
God in Action at all times. Every thought,
every feeling, every action or reaction is now
rooted in: “The Highest good for all”, and you
are beginning to take your first, gentle and
careful steps as a God Being. More correctly
stated: a being trying to follow the
promptings of his or her I AM Presence in the
world of form.

Knowing that you are one with God is
accepting no limitations. You are one with the
Divine Mind and any question or uncertainty
will diminish or dissolve
this Light. It does
not always mean, that you receive a definite
answer on your question, but circumstances in
your life and the vibratory activity of your
four lower vehicles will alter, so that the
difficulty or question will be dissolved in
the Light of God or will request a different
approach from you to encounter and overcome
your weaknesses in victorious accomplishment.
Every faculty, every idea is at your disposal
now, and it was this that your ego tried to
withhold from you through countless
embodiments, because it knew it can only be
used by God I AM THAT I AM and not by
It is the end of his or her ruling and
control. There is no place for the human ego
in the Kingdom of Heaven, but that of servant.
God is again the Doer, the Doing and the Deed.
Now concentrate on the golden liquid-like
substance of God’s Illumination, Wisdom and
Understanding and put your question or your
difficulty in this sea of Golden Light and ask
for a divine way to solve this problem or
limitation. Be totally assured that the answer
will come forth instantaneously and needs only
time to pass through your four lower vehicles
to find the perfect manifestation in your
world. Again, the purity of your vehicles
permits or slows down the process of this
manifestation. Have faith and “keep on,
keeping on".
Due to the incoming of new
energies, we are responding in a different
way. Things and matters that used to be
familiar and comfortable, no longer are, so we
have to adjust and change our response to many
things and react in ways more suitable to the
new situation.

The music of the spheres
and the feeling worlds of the Angelic Kingdom
can be a part of your experience when you no
longer allow energy from the human level to
disturb your balance. It is all a matter of
adjusting your energies to the higher level of
vibration. Remember, where your attention is,
there you are. It has always been said: “The
Truth is simply, and it shall set you free”.
Put your attention on perfection, and affirm
that everything that passes your consciousness
must be perfect. We have a beautiful decree in
our: “Book of Ceremony”
(From: “The Bridge to
Spiritual Freedom"),
which says:
“Mighty I AM Presence, take command of this
outer self this day. Take command of my
every thought, feeling, spoken word, action
and reaction. Produce your perfection, hold
your dominion. Put and keep me always in my
right and perfect place. Show me the perfect
thing to do and through me, do it perfectly.
So be it, Beloved I AM”.
the Bridge to spiritual Freedom

If you say this decree
every morning with love and gratitude and hold
your attention on it, when you’re not specific
occupied in something, your life will change
dramatically. The Unity with all life is
constantly growing and expanding. From the
Threefold Flame of all life you can encourage
anyone to sacrifice, unify and fulfill their
divine plans in harmony; being courageous and
stalwart. Being one with God also makes you
fearless, because you know nothing can harm
you that is apart of God. However,
to be solved, whether by transmutation or by
Your communication with God
will be an ever growing process in enfolding
more and more life into that of your own, and
extending your energies into life and
experience unknown as yet, forever expanding
the Borders of the Father’s Kingdom.