The heart and brain consciousness
which were endowed to the personal self contain the
Intelligence of the One Infinite Universal
Consciousness and the creative power of creation.
This consciousness however was to follow the plan
and pattern of the Divine Plan which the
Individualized I AM Presence of each lifestream
lowers to its human self by intuition, meditation
and devotion.
If you educated a human along the
lines of art and you made an exquisite model and
supplied them with a beautiful design according to
your inspired pattern… but they chose after all this
time and expenditure to hew out of your priceless
marble a distorted creature of their own imagining
you would not find them a satisfactory pupil, and
all the effort, energy and substance supplied by you
to prepare them to be of service to you would be
wasted… until such time you could convince them that
it was their purpose and responsibility to create
the precise design for which you had prepared them.