The power to create was given to the human personality but the Divine Plan was for the personal self to fulfill this Divine blueprint. This blueprint can only be found and studied by selfless humility and it will begin to shine through the flesh-form as the individual is determined to use all of their talents and energy in accordance with Divine Will.








The heart and brain consciousness which were endowed to the personal self contain the Intelligence of the One Infinite Universal Consciousness and the creative power of creation. This consciousness however was to follow the plan and pattern of the Divine Plan which the Individualized I AM Presence of each lifestream lowers to its human self by intuition, meditation and devotion.

If you educated a human along the lines of art and you made an exquisite model and supplied them with a beautiful design according to your inspired pattern… but they chose after all this time and expenditure to hew out of your priceless marble a distorted creature of their own imagining you would not find them a satisfactory pupil, and all the effort, energy and substance supplied by you to prepare them to be of service to you would be wasted… until such time you could convince them that it was their purpose and responsibility to create the precise design for which you had prepared them.

Everything honest and good should have its own share of time allotted to it… work, relaxation, meditation and prayer. Let then the chela settle these claims fairly and see that work and relaxation encroach neither on prayer and meditation nor on each other.
Each has necessary obligations to meet in this passage through this earth life whereof we shall have to give an accounting. So these duties should be preferred with exactness while at the same time the student must see that they are not so overloaded with the claims of duty as to find no leisure for communion with the
I AM Presence. No treasure is so easily squandered as time. On the good use of time depends our spiritual growth.


For every individual the process of the Ascension is the Divine Plan. I therefore rejoice to see that during the past years so many of the chelas have willingly by their calls transmuted their past creations and have molded the energy and substance of the earth plane according to the blueprint held in the heart of their Divine Presence and Plan.

© The Bridge to Spiritual












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