We may not always feel peaceful, especially when we are experiencing conflict with another person. Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to remain centered no matter how upsetting the situation. Peace always begins within each of us. When we find our peace, we can offer peaceful responses to the world around us. We can discern and embrace the elements of connection with others.

The individual who attains and sustains the consciousness of their oneness with all Life has indeed become one with the One Universal Consciousness while they still dwell in the world of form. By disassociating their thoughts, feelings, words and actions from the idea that the Life within them, and which beats their heart, is a separate entity from the whole, they then are an open door for Life's Essence to flow forth from the Fountain of Light… their own Beloved I AM Presence.

Since consciousness is the door by which the unseen is directed into manifestation, through energized feeling, the chela who keeps their mind upon the Divine creates from the Primal Substance of the Life that flows through them and all manifest form; the images and thought-forms that they know will increase the ultimate good - be it healing, harmony, invention, increase of financial supply or whatever the requirement of the hour may be - for so are "miracles" performed. All that the Divine has is truly ours. 



The enlightened chela (being imbued with Divine Wisdom) does recognizes the difference between what is of the Light or not when confronted with it. Then, knowing it as such, they call to the Reality of the Sacred Fire behind the cause and core of imperfection to transmute it, they refuses to let their attention and feelings be magnets to draw enmity or confusion into this world. Thus maintaining their peace and inward poise they render a service to the persons, races or countries involved.

© The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.org