The student or chela desiring to fulfill their Divine
Destiny has inquired of Life, mentally and emotionally, as to its purpose and
its goal. To them is revealed the Higher Way, and to them is given certain
exercises of control and self improvement, wherein the Path consciously released
from their body, may pattern itself as The Way. When an individual thus weaves
by their own energy that Path of Light over which they will pass, they no longer
follow an ever winding byroad shooting hither and thither according to their
individual whim rather a straight and progressive Pathway of Light and Life,
which ultimately leads to the goal of Freedom, Mastery, Unity and Perfection.
The Path lies within every human, and their nature
is determined by the consciousness. When the student
is determined to stop this human circling, they can
create the Path or Ladder upon which their
consciousness rises into Perfection. It is not
enough to love the Path, to admire the Path or those
upon it, but to emit that Path by one's own Life