Plato already said:
"Beauty is Love made visible".

The Elemental Kingdom will
create a wonderful environment when
we allow It. How? Acknowledge the tremendous
efforts of this Kingdom by their attempts to
return this Planet to Her Pristine Beauty.
Too long humanity has turned the head the other
way by hurrying on to find their own
fortune. Finally they discover that lasting
happiness can never be found in this way. The
only way to establish everlasting happiness is
to consciously cooperate with this Kingdom. We
can do this by watching our thoughts and
feelings, because the divine plan of the
elements is to outpicture the thoughtforms
enhanced by the feelings of their superiors. In
this case the
Directors of the Elements.

Every human being has an elemental Being assigned
to him/her, as well. A highly intelligent being,
connected to him/her at the first
embodiment on this Planet and those two will
remain connected till
last embodiment. Due to the misuse of God's Holy
Energy by thought, feeling and action,
your Elemental Friend is sometimes forced to
outpicture not only imperfection, but even
distortion in one or more of your vehicles. This
is a devastating experience as well for you as
the elemental, because both have to endure these
limitations during a whole embodiment.

Hence the urge for purification
and transformation by the use of the
Violet Fire of Freedom's Love. Practicing this
wholesome method on a day to day base will
alleviate a lot of your karma by lightening the
burden you carry through many lifetimes on
