The greater part of the Planet Earth is covered with water. The biggest of all our bodies is our emotional body. There is more than a symbolic comparison between the emotions and the water element. This planet is a schoolroom to attain balance and mastery over our emotions.
BELOVED LORD NEPTUNE, Co-creator and governor of the Water Element with His
Divine Complement, Beloved Lady Lunara.
Beloved Friends, your attention upon the Element under My God Control has drawn
Me into your midst. ‘I AM" Neptune, often referred to as "The Father of the
Looking upon this section of the vast body of water known as the Atlantic Ocean
(Montauk Point, at the Eastern Tip of Long Island), you see a small segment of
the activities of the undines, who, in obedience, respond to Their Directors in
the pulsating rhythm of the tides, whose magnetic pull breathes in and out in
regulated pattern.
Sometimes one views the magnificent floor of the Ocean in what could be
described, as a tranquil state, for most assuredly there can be tranquility in
power and might. One must not confuse tranquility with inertia, however. In the
case of the activities of a body of water of the magnitude of an Ocean,
tremendous factors must be considered to realize some of the scope of its
On the floor of the ocean grow many flora, which have wonderful health-giving
properties, one of which is known as kelp. We recognize its iodine content for
treatment of certain deficiencies in the normal functioning of the bodies of man
and so-called beast.
The salt content in the Waters of the Ocean contributes to its buoyancy and
sustains some of the life which exists in the kingdom abiding in the mighty
Man could not exist without water, for that
sea elemental [undine]
In recent years there has been much discussion and great effort expended in the
process of desalination of the water of the Ocean so that it would be fit for
human consumption, and the resultant fresh water would not interfere with the
chemical action of the body. True, the vehicles
of mankind cannot take an excessive saline content, but it is necessary to
sustain the life within the glorious bosom of the Oceans. You have a wonderful
example of the buoyancy of salt water and the remedial qualities as it
invigorates the physical body of those who swim or bathe in its exhilarating
When you reach that stage in your evolution where you know the oneness of consciousness, of all life, everywhere, you will further realize that all those who serve with Me have to constantly engage in the activity of stabilization. And when the waters making up the seas roar in a mighty tempest, unless you have purified your emotional vehicle of all the generating centers which have caused disturbance, known or unknown, for which you are responsible you are a contributing factor to the turbulence MANIFESTING!
Remember, every time you have stirred another's emotions, you are responsible
for the uncontrolled energy which is set up in that one‘s, world, and as
surely as the tides flow in rhythmic manner, will every part of the discord
which is of your own making - which you generated to him - return to you
for transmutation. And when this occurs, if you are not harmonious and in
You can see how an unkind word or deed can become a very serious offense against
the Spiritual Law. Far, far greater is the offense of malicious thoughts which
an individual entertains against another part of life, and woe to the man or
woman who engages in this practice, for the returning energy will reap a bitter
crop which must be transmuted by the sender.
Another factor when thinking of the water element --- you know that individuals
react to climatic conditions; how some are depressed on rainy days or complain
about the rise and fall of the temperatures If the individual had God Control of
the emotional vehicle, he then would happily realize that Nature through the
Elemental Kingdom was providing the body of Virgo with the substance required at
a specific time for the enrichment and sustenance of the evolutions of this
When there are excesses expressing in the outpicturing weather, do you not
realize that you and the rest of humanity are again responsible in part for the
reaction of the gnomes, undines, sylphs or salamanders. Humankind has imposed
the discordant radiation upon them and they are reacting accordingly. Had the
originator of this mischief transmuted it, or any individual
If you wish to mentally have a brief view of what is taking place in your
emotional vehicle, think of the pictures you have seen of deep-sea activities
with all the glorious flora and fauna, and when a creature abiding therein is
expressing a destructive nature, you have a parallel of the activities taking
place in your emotional world. When it is harmonious, it is a joy to behold and
adds to the radiation of beauty of the Universe, but when the pulsating causes
and cores of discord are allowed to dwell in a chela‘ s world, it is a
grievance of great magnitude.
My beloved Divine Complement, the beautiful Lady Lunara, the Spirit abiding
within the Moon, holds the Water Element within Our Balancing Power of cohesion
and expansion, and it is our great and responsible desire to assist you as well
as all the evolutions on this Planet as you journey Homeward.