When the chela realizes the invulnerability of
harmoniously qualified energy, he will draw it
forth from the Secret Place of the Most High
within his own heart, and utilize it in his
every thought, word and action. An
understanding of the Law of Harmony is an
assurance against disaster and against every
outer appearance of imperfection in the chela's
world. It is each one's responsibility to
maintain a harmonious flow of his own God Energy
regardless of any set of external disturbances
or sense reports. Men guard their worldly
possessions with great watchfulness and vigor,
yet allow the most precious of all - Harmony, to
be shattered on the slightest pretext of, say,
an unkind word or act of another, or by
startling reports of worldly affairs and

With harmony consciously and constantly
maintained there is no set of circumstances or
experiences of a seemingly important nature that
can manifest in a man's world to throw him off
guard or cloud his awareness of the omnipotence
and omniscience of the Ever Present One.
In all of the countries of this Planet Earth today there are few completely
happy and harmonious souls in the general run of mankind. Yet Life is
constantly trying through the individual experiences, to prove to men by
subtle and apparent ways, that they are not living according to the Divine

To the faithful chelas, knowing this, there is no cause for alarm for there
is no reason why they should not maintain their uninterrupted harmony.
Keeping the consciousness high; calling to the Ascended Host in the Realms
of Light and upon this Earth, they go forward fearlessly
undaunted, protected by their Cloak of Harmony, a source of blessing to all.
Beloved Maha
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