Every morning, as you
first awaken and open your eyes, what is your first thought? What is your first
feeling, flowing through your emotional world? Is it Joy at the opportunity of a
new day of Divine existence stretching out before you?
You are so deeply loved
and the Universe’s Heart is filled with Happiness at the opportunity to be able
to communicate its Thoughts and Feelings with you.
I AM always aware of the
Path that is taken to come to the Light of God that shines forth through any
darkness of misunderstanding, or miscreation in any way. You too, as you come,
each one, to the Full Light of your "I AM" Presence, will truly know you
are the path
You are, right now, in a
world of physical manifestation. There, even as the bands of forgetfulness are
loosened a bit, it is very necessary for you to reach up to the divinity - who
has come this way before you. Remember always that you are loved and understood.

Just as you love your
children and give your all to them, and then react with joy as the children grow
into the fullness of understanding and expression, so the Universe is filled
with joy at your every success along this path.
As you keep on, you must
insist upon Joy! You must call for it constantly! It is the Elixir of
Life. To be joyous in your spiritual work is in large part, a learned
experience. The tendency is to be too critical, both of yourself and of others,
putting all emphasis on outer expression, and not enough on the growing Christus
within. The inner development is very delicate and sensitive, and needs much
nourishment and faith to help it grow into the full expression of The Christ.
Happiness and Joy are the
food you must offer to this growing Christ-Flame! The Christ within is an
already Perfected expression, remember. It is the environment around It
that is in need of Purification!
As your outer
consciousness begins to awaken to this Truth, you must ask the Christ within to
blaze its Light through your mind, your feeling world, your physical body, and
your etheric garment. Your outer human will must be used to draw this Light
through all your lower vehicles. Your outer human will must convince your mind,
your emotional, physical and etheric bodies of its absolute intent upon the full
expression of the Christ being permitted to take place!
All lack of joy is a
miscreation, and although it takes some practice to overcome, you must insist
upon it whenever you find yourself lacking joy in your work or in any aspect
of your life! Praise every feeling of Joy, and transmute all else that would
stand in its path, until a momentum is gained. Once that momentum is be
Your work is but to reach
that which already exists! That is the Joy of One Universal Consciousness in
you, and in all creation that has come forth from the Perfect Heart of the
Insist, my Beloved Ones!
Insist upon Joy and Happiness, and make it an integral part of your work every
day. Go forth with blessings and with a fully developed momentum of Joy and
Happiness in Life!