That what
we call “The Light of God” is the substance, which sustains any Creation. It is
always present; if not, the creation would cease to be. Just as the beating of
your heart sustains the physical body, so you are able to experience embodied
life. The conscious being who gives from his life energies in this way is the
Doer, the Doing and the Deed of His/Her Creation, His/Her System, Universe and
so on. It is the ultimate service of a conscious being in behalf of the
spiritual growth of lesser consciousness in His/Her “Field of Endeavor”.
When the channel between the Holy Christ Self and the lower vehicles is open and
no longer blocked by the ego and the consciousness is firmly established in the
Threefold Flame in the heart - a permanent inflow of the virtues from the Causal
Body can be established in the world of form. The result is a natural response
of your four lower vehicles to respond to this higher vibration, establishing -
as Archaii Hope (The Archaii of the Fourth Ray) said: “An Octave of Light on the
physical plane”.
When the
individual is strong enough to maintain this High Vibration in his/her vehicles,
it will result in a permanent ‘Bliss-Consciousness’. Then you can really look
through the “Eyes of God” and Love like God Loves. Very impersonal, experiencing
Yourself, the Great I AM THAT I AM into every particle of life, loving life
When your
specific kind of service is getting more obvious in your life, your radiation
more powerful and your aura stronger, life becomes easier. Your keynote begins
to resound through the Body of Light, which harmonizes with other keynotes.
Together you form specified groups for a certain kind of service available at
any time when the need arises. These groups can manifest on the physical level
too, if necessary. However, their service is always tangible and prolific at all
In the
Higher Octaves is so much Joy. In your octave, you have to cultivate it. Joy has
four levels: joy, happiness, enthusiasm and ecstasy. You have felt all these
levels. Try to develop a momentum in the world of form. Experience: the Joy of
Forgiveness, and the Joy of Service.

When your
personal will is more and more absorbed in the Divine Will of your Presence, you
realize, that your confidence and faith are growing and your ‘feet stand on
rock’. All the good in the Universe WILL BECOME YOURS on the day of your
complete unity with your Presence. Patience, the Law will prove Itself as
The Unity
in the Inner Octaves of Light is so difficult to comprehend for the outer self,
as the outer self is afraid of loosing its personal identity, but nothing is
less true. Although the unity of all life is a fact, the expansion of
consciousness is limited. Compare it with the lighting of a match. The size of
the flame is limited by the quantity of the wood. If you light a hundred matches
and put them together, you get a large flame. There is no separation in the
flame although it exists by the sum of many different matches. If you add a
woodblock, the flame expands even more. When you separate all the matches and
the woodblock, they seem all different flames. The Law is: The Flame is as big
as the form (the creation) can contain.
When you
live in the Silence, your consciousness becomes accustomed to the inbreath and
outbreath of Eternal Life. Free Will rules supreme, because it is the Will of
God. There is no lower or higher only I AM THAT I AM. With every outbreath you
send parts of yourself in a cycle of creation. With every inbreath, you call
them home, temporary or lasting. You are God in Action in your own cycle of
creation, obeying the inbreath and outbreath of a Superior Being; and this
continues forever.
