the spiritual association stays permanent, because the service on Cosmic Levels
can be extended beyond enormous periods of time. And so communities become
planetary bodies, solar schemes and universal forcefields. All by freewill and
in perfect cooperation with the Divine Will and the Divine Plan of the Great
Cosmic Day.
Serving in
the Body of Light you have to consider the following: The “Light of God” is
distributed in perfect balance to all life. There are many levels of
consciousness for absorbing, assimilating and expanding the light. The flower
that grows in the shadow of a tree cannot bear the pressure of the sunlight,
which is necessary for the flower that grows in the desert sun. However, they
reveal their beauty wherever they are and expand the beauty of the Father’s
So do not
judge wherever a lifestream is situated to fulfill his/her divine plan.
Everything in the cosmos needs time to grow. You may have a hearts desire of
which you are not even conscious yet, but it will grow and finally press through
the veil. Then you are conscious of the Inner Urge, which directed you in a
certain way, which only now becomes obvious to you. The reception and energizing
of divine ideas and plans will continue to direct you to ever-wider horizons of
splendor and glory wherever your energies are needed to widen the “Borders of
the Kingdom”.
quality can be enhanced by the Body of Light. As a chela of the Holy Spirit you
know, that the full power of the Third Ray is Divine Love. It is the Love Nature
of your Mother-Father God you have to unleash over the world. One with the Body
of Light and invoking the help of your task force of angels, the Elohim, the
Archangels and the Chohan of the Third Ray, a Power can be generated that really
can LOVE THE EARTH FREE. However, the keyword is: PERSEVERANCE.
The extreme
weather conditions and turbulence, which are currently rampant on the Earth can
be greatly minimized and healed, when the Body of Light intensifies her Love and
Gratitude for the service of the elements. When this happens rhythmically, such
a strong flow of light and love will emerge, that even the “Garden of Eden” can
be restored.
function of the chelas of light in conjunction with the Body of Light for the
mass-consciousness is very much akin to the service of the Ascended Beings to
the chelas. It is an attempt to accelerate the vibratory activity of their four
lower vehicles and to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. The few are
leading the many. Use the symbol of the pyramid for enlightenment. Meditate on
When you become more and more sensitive in
your four lower vehicles, you really become aware of the “pressure” of embodied
life. You realize that You, the “Body of Light” have to carry the “weight of the
Earth”. The sculptor, who made “Atlas”, who is carrying the world, was an
inspired man. Now YOU are Atlas, because dear one, you have chosen to SERVE! The
well-being of the Planet Earth is greatly depended on the light dispensed by the
Body of Light. Attuned with this Body, you will feel the needs of Lady Virgo and
enfold her with the blessings and love through this Body. It is all a matter of
expansion of consciousness: ”See the Earth through the Eyes of God”.
