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times you may tend to look upon the world
surrounding you as a detached universe; standing
opposite from the things of the divine realm,
independent and separate from the higher levels
of consciousness. In actuality what you call the
world surrounding you is the way in which you
interpret this reality and how it affects your
consciousness. This interpretation in terms of
your consciousness is your world-image which is
real only in relation to the consciousness of
which it forms a part.

As long as this relation is recognized all is
well; life or reality affects you and through
you it is externalized as a world-image in your
consciousness. Thus, you are the focus through
which this process takes place, and there is an
unimpeded flow of life reality affecting you,
and, through you becomes a world-image.

When however, you forget that you are only a
focus of reality and feel yourself as a separate
being, a soul or a spirit, all changes. Instead
of recognizing that what you call the world is
really only your interpretation, in terms of
consciousness of the reality that affects you,
you materialize that world-image and make it
into an absolute. Thus you find yourself
isolated between two worlds: a world of gross
matter outside and a world of subtle spirit
within. This duality henceforth rules your life
and in practice you have to choose between its
two elements. This choice is one between
materialism and idealism.
you must choose between the
of the
divine, in distinction to the
discussion about
God or the
Other. But the experience of the divine
ultimate, of reality, of life, of truth, is
beyond all discussion. The conflict is one
between different standpoints and views of life
- the conflict between revelation and
realization. The duality of revelation must
be shaken off if you are to become the ever-changing Universal Consciousness, not because
some other intelligence possessed or used you,
but because you have gained true
liberation/freedom and become one with all
the only true guru!

Life, can not be reconciled to preconceived
thoughts, neither can it be rationalized. Life
is not an intelligence therefore it is neither
rational nor logical. Unless you become one with
the here and the now, recognizing that reality
of life ... then and only then can you be
approached through the actual experience of the
moment. Life is not a problem to be solved but a
mystery to be fully experienced!
When you understand profoundly the significance
of your essence of the process of ignorance and
action, you will see what you call your purpose
has no significance. The mere search for the
purpose of life covers up or detracts from the
comprehension of your Divine Oneness.

This implies the very goal or aspiration itself
is the first step towards its attainment. Of
course this is not true! Your Divine Oneness is
the totality of your existence. There is no
first step ... last step or even a process. All
that exists is: one with the Divine!
There is no separation, no disparity or
discrepancy. You are I AM! Accept it! Know it!
Feel it! Be it! As you walk through life let
your mantra be I AM that I AM!
© The Bridge to Spiritual
Freedom, all rights reserved;
from "Gift of Light" Jan.