The time has come,
whether humanity is ready or not, when life on this planet, especially human
life, must rise above the difficulties within yourselves and with each other by
transmuting and dissolving your differences of race, religion, cultures and
ideals which have separated you one from the other for countless eons of time.
In the grand
design of God's Divine Plan it is now
time to look beyond the needs of planet
Earth alone and begin working with the
greatly more elevated and stronger
energies of the higher realms. You ask,
"How can this be done?" In the way you
do all things, beloved ones! You must
place your attention upon where you
would like to be, then work hard to
reach your goal and finally remain
This explanation in
itself sounds simple enough but as every chela knows, accomplishing this
enormous task is quite another matter. I well remember many lifetimes where,
even when the power to do God's Will was strong within me, my attention would
wonder far a field and oftentimes I fell well short of my objective. It was only
by the Grace of God that through the various opportunities presented to me over
many lifetimes to expand my gift to life, I was finally able to overcome my
inability to remain centered and focused upon my goal. I assure you that the
same is true for you.
Once again I say to
you: It is time, beloved ones, to relinquish your self and human will, to truly
embrace the Will of God as those of us in the higher realms continue to embrace
and support your every effort!
Your command is to
expand, expand and continue to expand the light, constantly channeling the
divine qualities and blessings from the higher octaves to the Earth. And you can
only fulfill this purpose simply by your silent, sincere, diligent and humble
El Morya
