The factor to be
contemplated today is
time. As beings that are
at this moment working
within a time-space
framework it is very
easy to become caught up
in feelings of a need to
rush and work with
haste. There are those
who encourage “rush,
rush, rush! Time is
running out! Do it now!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!”
and on and on and on….!
But consider it is a
person poor in
consciousness who
attaches to the belief
that a loving Divinity
will not provide an
opportunity for them –
in which they may live,
move, breathe and have
Being! Yes the New Age
is truly upon us but the
forward move is in all
ways a steady and sure
walking onward into the
Light – confident upon
your Path! The Path of
Light is a Way of Life!
The Path of Light is a
Way of Life! The feeling
of a need for haste
comes from many things
and most if not all of
these things are a part
of the human
consciousness and not of
the Divine; the fear of
failure, or the fear
that one has not
accomplished all that
they should have done;
the fear of abandonment
or of being ‘left
behind’; and on and on.
These ‘reasons’ are all
rooted in fear, and as
such have no productive
value that can be
imparted to the human
who seeks Spiritual

Even as you hear or read
these words and begin to
know their meaning,
relax into the Love of
the Divine… knowing your
path will always be made
clear before you. Just
keep your awareness
centered upon the Love
and Will of God… breathe
it in and keep on moving
steadily along becoming
more and more the sacred
expression of Divinity
you are here to be! You
are here to BE… for you
know I AM the Divine
Image manifesting
perfection in my Being
and World!
Naught is wasted in any
of your experiences.
They form the bread you
eat from which you
steadily grow in
spiritual understanding.
Always remain the Divine
Image you are… that
beautiful Presence from
which you descended into
this world of form,
which enfolds you even
within itself
manifesting itself in
and through you at all
times! This must always
be at the forefront of
your consciousness!

Be at ONE with the
Presence. For there is
no separation unless you
so choose to live in
this illusion and who
would so choose?

It is time to enter into
this present era in
silence and with the
Love of the Christ
within (your heart ~
editor) releasing and
expanding waves of Light
from your very heart
center. Let it all be
free now! Let it be free
to move outward from
you, to enfold all life,
even as you come forth
from the Silence that
has enfolded you. Take
this moment to feel this
Love and yes… Sacrifice!
Through Sacrifice all is
made Sacred. Through the
love of one lifestream –
ascended or unascended –
who has developed the
ability to give Love
with no thought of
return… all life upon
this beloved Earth
planet is made Sacred.
This will tell you that
all life upon this
beloved Earth is Sacred.
This will tell you that
all life upon this Earth
is already sacred
because of the sacrifice
of others for so long.
But ongoing sacrifice is
necessary to keep life
blessed in this way!
Many have forgotten to
give Love with no
thought of return!


A primary cause of
discomfort in the human
situation is the lack of
true understanding of
the nature of rhythm.
Habits of behavior are
all created by rhythm;
physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual
aspects of your Being
are created by rhythm.
Therefore, watch with
loving care the rhythms
that you have built into
your life, and check
that each rhythm creates
only that with is
positive. Unconstructive
habits are created by
rhythm as are
high-quality habits. If
you assume a divine
virtue which you feel
you are lacking then
rhythm will build it
into your character as a
permanent feature and it
will be yours forever.
Rhythm is beauty; rhythm
of movement, rhythm of
breath, rhythmic
thinking and feeling,
and doing only that
which is harmonious can
change your world into
radiant Light. Through
the rhythmic rays of the
sun, the waves of the
air, the heartbeat of
the Earth, the flow of
the water, and the
all-pervading life force
in all space, be thou
whole! Be aware of the
enormous energy that
moves the universe in
perfect rhythm. This
enormous force that
holds the stars and the
galaxies in place is
none other than you. It
is part of the whole…
the One Universal
Consciousness that you
are an integral element
of. It is the rhythmic
ocean of which you are a
rhythmic wave. There is
no real boundary between
you and the entire
universe for you extend
far, far beyond your
physical form. You are
part of a wholeness
which is magnificent and
beyond the comprehension
of the human mind. Your
spirit and essence is
eternal and shall grow
in splendor.

Retune the rhythm of
your lower self until it
is in perfect harmony
with that which is the
most extraordinary and
exquisite, and begins to
vibrate in rhythmic
harmony with the
universe and with the
music of the spheres for
it is your purpose to do

Rhythm is a very
powerful force in your
life, for it builds into
your character that
which you are and that
which you are to become.
Have rhythmic courage –
courage to appreciate
all that is holy,
courage to encourage all
that is required of you;
to take up

