Beloved ones, in the
Silence the power is generated, and in
the Silence is the lesson learned from
the heart of Truth. That is why in the
Eastern Retreat chelas are bound by
pledges of absolute silence. Thus their
lower selves are stopped from constant
chatter until the Great Self is heard
within them, and then no longer do they
wish to express the idle nothings of the
lesser selves.
Silence is the Way of
Peace. In the Silence one cannot incite
another to anger nor draw down
unnecessary impediments to his own
progress. In the Silence one does not
set up the causes that reverberate as
destructive effects farther on upon the
road. The Breath of God is too pregnant
with Power to be used so lightly. Much
outer turmoil would be avoided if the
Breath were conserved within the body
until it could be sent forth to
accomplish a good purpose.