Your I AM Presence will vivify every quality in your
being to make you aware of them, to use them or
transmute them. Also here mastery is acquired.
Always show negativity the OPPOSITE quality, AFTER
you use the Violet Fire. The uncertainties of life,
which often induce great challenges and changes, are
nothing more than shadows of the past, which try to
veil your eyes to the perfection behind, which is
bound to express in the world of form when you are
ready and able to keep the balance. Dwelling in a
physical body, trying to live the life of a divine
being compels you to be alert EVERY SECOND of your
existence. Any impurity that might linger on in one
or more of your lower vehicles will try to prevent
you from becoming one with our Mother-Father God.
Immediately transmute the discordant energy when it
surfaces and love it free. These tests will continue
until you finally have perfect faith in God's Will
to direct you in everything you do, and for that
reason remain silent and do not act until your
direction is clear. Refuse to leave your place of
perfect BALANCE and PEACE.
Absolute surrender and an ever increasing commitment
to the promptings and directions of your Presence
are necessary to finally detach yourself from the
pull of the lower self. Being God in Action, the
Love of God and the Will of God, on your level of
consciousness. The law of the circle will then
manifest this perfection in your lower vehicles.
When this process is completed, you will be totally