In the divine order of all things change is an
absolutely necessary part of life, for without it
how can the constant, ever-upward, spiraling
ascension of all things in the universe back into
the heart of God take place? It is cosmic law and
even scientific fact in the evolution of life that
nothing can or will remain the same. There must
always be movement of some kind. In fact, you will
find that whenever this has been attempted, wherever
change has not been allowed to take place, where
adaptation has not occurred; no matter how slight,
the lifeform, condition or situation has or shall
cease to exist. Remember always that without change
growth cannot take place!

Take for example, the Christian Dispensation. In
most respects Christianity is very different from
what it was when beloved Jesus brought forth God's
teachings and laid its very foundation two thousand
years ago. For due to the various needs of each
group of people who came together to study, to serve
and to worship God as beloved Jesus taught; minor
changes were often implemented. At times differences
in ideas, policy or interpretation of the teachings
offered caused so many changes that minor divisions
among the people involved created major splits among
the ranks and many left. However, please realize
that over time, it was this very process and the
many changes that were instituted to fulfill the
needs of the people, that allowed Christianity to
expand relatively easily and naturally throughout
the planet during this period.