In the beginning humanity was created in the image
and likeness of God without
of miss-creation.
Each one
was endowed with the powers
in the use of his or hers creative
of the Divine Plan,
while each individual utilized this freewill to
fulfill his/her Divine Missions,
the First Golden Age flourished.
In those
days there was no Karmic Board. It was not
necessary. The Second and Third Golden Ages
accomplished their course in the same way.
During the cycle of the Fourth Age people from other
planets, who rebelled against the Cosmic Law and so
became planetary orphans, arrived on our Earth. Then
the people of Earth, in spite of the protection from
Archangel Michael and other Divine Beings,
surrendered to the subtle sin of curiosity! Their
experimental research by misuse of freewill caused
what is known as the “fall of men.” The expulsion
from paradise. They were intoxicated by their use of
the creative powers independent of the Divine
guidance and that what we know as the soul was born!
Anticipating this rebellion against the Divine power
and the resulting disharmony and discord, three
Divine Beings volunteered to assist anyone who was
in this way entangled
in his or her personal and mass creation of
imperfect thoughts, feelings, words and actions. So
the First Karmic Board was composed!