BELOVED CHELAS [students of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters] - Let us always remember; that which you think feel or say - manifests! The Sacred Threefold Flame anchored deep within the Planet at the physical focus of Shamballa is a Living Entity - a Manifestation of the Feelings and Thoughts of the Great God of the Universe! That is what I ask you to think and feel now. As you do, I will accelerate the vibratory action of your individual Threefold Flames. I will assist you to feel the reality of the Sacred Flame, and I will assist you to think about it, if you will call to Me during your personal meditations. I ask you to make that call right now, and I will pause while you do this, so that I may send my Ray of Perfect Balance into the heart centers of each of you.
The Lord Gautama continues
My first statement to you
was "that which you think, feel or say - manifests" Now I say to you, that as
you dwell in the center of your Heart Flame - that Secret Place of the Most High
Living God - if you think about That Flame, and At the beginning of the previous Great Age on Our Planet, the Master Jesus said: "Know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free!" Now is the beginning of another Great Age - The Golden Age of Beloved Saint Germain, and this is to be the Age of Spiritual Freedom! I tell you now - The Sacred Fire is the Embodiment of the Truth upon Planet Earth. It is a gift of God to the consciousness of all men that can receive It, and who will work with It to prove Its Truthfulness upon the Earth!
Those of mankind who know
the Flames are those who are the consecrated individuals of this New Era. Those
who call the Sacred Flames forth to purify and balance all life upon Our Beloved
Earth and those We call upon, for it is they who can and will be open to receive
the Truth of the Sacred Fire now. I never speak to either praise or censure - but only to inform and teach, for that is the only appropriate way of those who dwell within the Octaves of Light. Know this, and get it firmly anchored within your consciousness until it overcomes any lesser expression of the human, for We hold ALL LIFE SACRED, and it is upon your paths to do likewise. Until this is done, you have not yet attained Mastery of your personal energy, and your path is not complete upon the Earth plane.
Many times it has been
explained to you that there are numerous activities upon the Planet, which are
intended to raise the consciousness in some way. Their various purposes may be
to teach, or to explore, or to broaden the views of those who are attracted to
them. In some way, they must help expand the Light of God in their locale, or in
a broader perspective if possible, in order to qualify for the direct assistance
of the Ascended Masters.
One of the first
qualifications that is put forth is that there must be a "call" for assistance.
Secondly, although the activity in question does not have to believe
This is the briefest possible
explanation I will give you at this time, but it is most important that all of
our chelas understand how the Hierarchy works regarding situations that may
affect them. In closing, remember - think the Truth of purification and Perfect Balance! Feel the Truth of Purification and Perfect Balance! MANIFEST THE TRUTH of Purified Chalices, in the perfect Balance of LOVE, WISDOM AND POWER! I BLESS YOU! LORD GAUTAMA
[From the Bridge Journal December 1988]