Dear ones, you know that when the Triple Activity is complete within the heart Beloved Mother Mary then creates the rest of the body. And I want you to feel the momentum over the past one hundred years that has been built into the consciousness of humankind; a tremendous momentum of Wisdom, of Power and now Love. And even though it is not obvious to the bulk of humankind, it does not matter --- for the bulk of humankind is not even aware that a Threefold Flame, sustains the very life in their hearts to go on living. We do not need, precious ones, the cooperation of the outer intellect. We need, rather, to build from the Inner Reality and soon enough the outer intellect will be overwhelmed with the experience and reality of Freedom, in consciousness and vibration.

Certainly throughout this past century The Great White Brotherhood, and, to some degree the Spiritual Hierarchy, was working through many evolved lifestreams and organizations, building toward the time when humankind could accept the Flame of Freedom and work with the Laws of Consciousness and Vibration. And there will yet come to pass certain transitions in consciousness on this Planet, which will prove to humanity that working with the laws of the physical world are no longer sufficient to maintain the balance, to maintain this Planet. That so-called "transition" is already taking place and you can feel it among your neighbors; you can read it in your newspapers; the deep concern that the laws with which humans work, at present, are no longer sufficient.

And so, dear ones, we come to the concept of the Group Avatar; the heart center of which has been built through the Triple Activity of Love, Wisdom and Power anchored in the consciousness of humankind for the past one hundred years. And the body of the growing Group Avatar has cells in our realm and cells in your realm and that, precious ones, is the Family of Man functioning within the Family of God; the two no longer being separate. And there shall be many wonderful cells in embodiment who will align themselves in consciousness and in vibration with the heart center of this Group Avatar centered, of course at the home of the Spiritual Hierarchy - - the highest vibration on this Planet ----  Shamballa.

So, precious ones, take to the outer world now the gift of freedom in working with the Laws of Vibration and Consciousness. Know that you work not for us but with us. Know that the cells in the Group Avatar contain within it the Christ nature of unascended beings and the full Ascended nature of Our humble selves on this side of the Veil. I have always purported spiritual camaraderie among Gods and men, and among Angels and Elementals and men, and my favorite word in every vocabulary yet remains, "friendship".

Saint Germain.



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