Only when you are
perfectly in balance, when peace and harmony
emanate from your being permanently, then and
only then you are capable to find your focus,
the center of your being, from where the power,
wisdom and love go forth to transform the world.
Then your keynote will sound pure and strong.
Unqualified by impure thoughts and feelings.
Then you are the Holy Christ Self in Action.
When the Silence deepens
in the outer world,
because your attention
is on the real thing,
the Inner Truth is
becoming more customary.
You begin to sense a
pattern which is
unfolding. A perfect
chain of events,
necessary to accomplish
your mission on Earth.

Life must become a flow,
a stream. If you do not
longer see the different
parts of your life as
separated from each
other: spiritual,
personal, family,
business, etc. you have
removed the blocks your
human self has put in
your consciousness to
prevent you to
experience life as a
flow. A lifestream. From
now on your lifestream
can flow freely in the
world of form,
nourishing all life with
the gifts of your I AM
Presence and the
Ascended Masters through
your Holy Christ Self.
When you ask for and
concentrate upon the
truth of your lifestream
it will be revealed by
the circumstances of
your life, by the
opportunities you will
be given and the
enthusiasm you develop
to cultivate and later
manifest certain ideas
and feelings in your

When you make a
beautiful thoughtform or
visualization about a
scenic landscape with
wonderful colors,
flowers, trees,
butterflies and birds,
you create a surrounding
for beings, who become
conscious of what you
have manifested. If you
are able to hold this
vision, by concentrating
daily and rhythmically
upon it, you really
enhance the Beauty of
the Father's Kingdom.
Everything you encounter
or experience was once
an idea or imagination
in the mind, or Divine
Mind of an Intelligent
The major builder of
qualities of any kind is
wonderful attribute of
your consciousness.
However, you also need a
quality to apply the
attention well and that
is, as you know,
Concentration grows in
power when you imply JOY
in the focusing of your
attention. Do you become
aware, that the
qualities you developed
during the long sojourn
of your evolution have
to become skillful
INSTRUMENTS in order to
be able to follow your
path? It is like a
symphony. Every tone has
to fit in an accord,
that has to fit into a
piece of music, which
becomes part of the
symphony of the spheres.
from: Divine Qualities
