The path of the
Initiate is a
path of
radiation. When
the worries and
fears of the
lower self have
been transmuted
the radiation
can start. A
flow of light
from the
Presence through
the Holy Christ
Self into the
worlds of form.
A flow of love,
reverence and
commences and
will never be
withhold again.
The meaning of
human evolution
is to make a
specific focus
of light of each
individual. A
focus with many
facets to
radiate the
light of God in
a specific way.
qualities are shining like stars in the form of layers of light in your Causal
Body. To expand them and make them stronger, you have to apply them regularly in
the worlds of form. You have to gain a momentum in the use of specific qualities
under specific circumstances.
Be the
sewer of good deeds in the souls of humankind. Divine qualities are developed as
everything else is: by experimenting with energy, vibration and consciousness.
Some are very familiar to you, because you worked with them during many
lifetimes, others are more difficult to attain, by lack of practice. All are
necessary to become a balanced divine being, but they don't need to be equally
strong developed. Also here free will is the deciding factor.

Just like
a painter is selecting the colors he needs to outpicture his creativity on the
canvas, so is the Holy Christ Self selecting the most beautiful combination of
faculties and qualities to outpicture His divine plan in the world of form. The
choices of your creativity decide which path upwards on the mountain of
attainment you will go and who will be your followers. Free will is a beautiful
gift when it is stripped of human tendencies.
qualities are energies as you know and they are always expressing themselves in
the outer and inner levels. You also know, that energy does not act by itself;
it always needs a consciousness to direct it. Qualities already have a
consciousness of their own, so they always try to manifest themselves in the
worlds of form. The energies of the divine qualities are forming the bridge
between the octaves of light and the three dimensional world.
When you
work with them on a daily base alone, and rhythmically in your group activities,
the Ascended and Cosmic Beings are able and allowed to strengthen and augment
them for the greater good. However, when the initial impetus diminishes,
also the energy in the higher octaves weakens. Therefore keep your efforts
strong and regular to secure this ongoing service to life.
Have you
any idea how much effort is required to assure the cooperation of the countless
little "lives" that compose the "body" ťof a quality? How much strength it
takes to hold it together to perform the specific service to which it was
And yet,
with love all becomes easy and possible. Love is the keynote of all the divine
qualities in this universe. It is the cohesive power, that keeps the atoms and
electrons together in joyful cooperation. How does love look like? It is a pink
energy, which emanates a strong attracting activity. Like a magnet
attracts metals of a certain kind, so does love attracts vibrations of the same
kind: cells of a certain kind, organs of a certain kind, levels of a certain
It is all
love, claiming its own and putting these conglomerates of the same vibration
where they should be in the divine plan of the cell, organ, body, organization,
etc. However it is the free will of any self-conscious being, that can alter the
divine structure that love provides. Hence the importance to surrender human
will before you can enter into the activity of divine creation.
The joy
of service is always the motivating power to develop any God-quality. Without
joy you are back in your human consciousness and service becomes difficult
labor. Joy makes your work light and full of happiness and possibilities. It
teaches you to develop a momentum of skill in a certain avenue of service. In
every divine quality is the buoyancy of the ascension flame. It is the joy to
perform that for which you are created. Stimulate that joy also in your own
being, allowing the ascension flame to fulfill that for what is your reason for
being. The very joy of being and serving raises the vibratory activity of the
electrons in all your bodies. It is a gift and a privilege to grow and expand in
the infinite possibilities of eternal life.
It is not
always necessary to 'DO' something. Even when you are alone, sitting in the
silence you create. Receiving ideas, eventually making plans, you're always on
the "Father's business". When you focus on a specific principle, you enhance
its influence in the world of form. Connect with the Body of Light to enfold all
humankind and all life with this specific attribute or quality of God. The free
will choice of your consciousness determines the energy, which will flow through
your lifestream to benefit all humanity.
Begin to
see your four lower vehicles as perfect instruments for service and try to be
creative to find new opportunities and circumstances to serve, which means: LET
THE ENERGY FLOW! One of the reasons why We ask you to abide in the Silence is to
accustom you to the time and spacelessness of infinity. Infinity is a
fascinating experience for the newly awaked divine consciousness. It can really
expand in all directions like the tall Eucalypt, which rises tall tremendously
into the 'infinite' sky.
consciousness is always tied to some kind of matter, like the roots of the
Eucalypt in the ground, to identify and to give 'space for growth' for "lower
consciousness". Even the most highly developed consciousness imagination can
touch, always grows as a "lesser consciousness" on the grounds of His Father's
Kingdom. Why do you think HUMILITY is a divine quality?
Helios and Vesta nourish the Earth and all Their Seven Planets and evolutions
with all the qualities They developed during the course of Their
Evolution. Beloved Alpha and Omega nourish Their Seven Suns and through Them all
the evolutions on the various Planets. Beloved Eloha and Elohae nourish Beloved
Alpha and Omega and the other Central Suns of Their Cosmos, and through Them to
all the Suns and Planets of the various Solar Systems.
So we
receive right now and forever all the Divine Principles and Qualities ever
originated from Sources beyond our wildest imagination. And this goes on through
all Eternity. What are we doing with These Energies? Think about it. It is all a
matter of choice and growth, and ever higher levels of consciousness.
The I AM
Presence can be everywhere, every moment in the Eternal Now. There is no need to
move or to "go somewhere". Just focus your attention and BE, and as you know,
where your attention is, there you are. When you gain a momentum in the Silence,
you can feel yourself one with the "Ocean of Consciousness", the Lifestream of
our Mother-Father God. And you become what you contemplate. However before you
can explore the "shores of infinity", absolute balance of your lower vehicles
is adamant. Rise above all imperfection and KEEP YOUR BALANCE!
blazing the Violet Fire in; through and around your vehicles and commanding full
dominion of Peace and Harmony, you force your human consciousness to withdraw,
so that divine consciousness can prevail. As an athlete has to train his muscles
constantly to keep them in good shape, so has the Christ Self to look after the
proper nourishment of the divine qualities in his lower bodies. In the Great
Silence the I AM Presence is overseeing and nourishing the totality of your
divine plan. In your outer life you are guided to the circumstances and people,
who offer you the opportunities to unfold and establish these divine qualities
in the world of form.