It is my desire that
each one of you
focus your attention
upon the fact that
every man, woman and
upon this planet
Earth has Freedom
within their heart.
It is your
birthright as a
child of God.
The Freedom of which
I speak is the
Threefold Flame
within every beating
heart. This Flame is
your life
- your ALL, for as
you know, in perfect
balance, it becomes
the vibratory
activity of the
Ascension Flame.
It is called by many
names, such as "the
Pearl of great
price", or the "the
jewel in the Lotus".
words mean the same
- the Ascension; the
"way back home"!
The Flame within the
heart of every human
is their Freedom,
and it can never be
stilled - no matter
the threat - or what
the prison - for no
bars of human
consciousness can
ever hold it or
contain it in any
Let us expand this
Flame right now!
Just for a moment
realize that the
Flame within your
heart is your
Divinity, and your
connection with all
life everywhere.
This Flame is
intelligent, and it
yearns always to be
the ruling force of
your lifestream,
because that is its
birthright, and it
cannot help but be
true unto

You now know the
secret of Life! It
is so simple! Why,
then, is your life
imprisoned? The mind
the emotions
imprison; the flesh
imprisons; not that
it is intended, mind
you, but because of
what you have
been taught
throughout many
embodiments. The
mind, accepting a
belief in
limitation, must
limit. The
emotions, accepting
fear, binds you
within that fear.
Your mind and
emotions then begin
to control your
life expression. The
physical body,
exquisite at its
creation, is but the
result of the
activity of mind and
emotions. It is the
vehicle in and
through which they
express; the house
in which they live.
What is it then that
you must do? First,
you must remember
your own perfection!
Then, you must speak
it and call if forth
once more! Human
consciousness tells
you that words do
not count, and
cannot hurt you,
but you must
remember that when
God spoke the word,
creation took place!
You must speak to
your own
acknowledge it and
call it forth!
Speak to the Flame
within your heart!
Speak thus: "Awake
to the dawn of a new
day! Awake from that
which is but a dream
to the reality of
your new day!"
© The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom