life is longing to be free and perfect. When
you clear the atmosphere with Violet Fire
and keep this process going on for 24 hours
a day you offer the Ascended and Cosmic
Beings concerned with the evolution of this
Planet, a great opportunity to use your
vehicles for world service. It is not
necessary to actually think about Violet
Fire for 24 hours, but compare it with a
fly-wheel, which will turn for a
considerable time after the initial push and
will continue to do so if you turn it at
certain fixed times. Focus your attention on
the Violet Fire at fixed times during the
day and keep it blazing around you. When the
emotional body is purified enough to radiate
most of the time beautiful and elevating
feelings, it begins to outpicture the
splendor of the Buddhic plane, the oneness
of all life. When the Christ Self qualifies
such a body with any perfect feeling, it has
a tremendous impact on
"Body of Light" and does in that way much to elevate
the mass-consciousness.
For those, who do
not know the meaning of the "Body of Light": it is the combined consciousness of
all selfless beings, who work for the overall good. The "Lightworkers" of this
Planet. When you acknowledge the Christ in anyone of your fellow travelers on
the path of life, you encourage them to respond. That is one of the reasons the
Masters ask you to visualize the channel between the heart and the mind of other
people. In this way you facilitate their inner Christ to take command over their
The circumstances
of your daily life are a reaction of your outer self to the energies and
vibrations, which enter your world as a result of causes you initiated in the
past. There are no circumstances, only energies and vibrations, and your
reactions upon them. You can alter these
"circumstances" by causing pure and
perfect energies and vibrations. Eventually these energies will manifest
in the world of form into perfect "circumstances." Try to think and act in terms
of radiation and light, and not so much in conditions and things, or the
changing of circumstances. Your Presence is your reason for being, and His/Her
Light is accepted by the
"Golden Man," your Holy Christ Self. It is the Light of
Divine Mind, that will rule your inner and outer life now, if you let it.
The main work in
the Octaves of Light is molding energy into form. Receiving thoughtforms from
the Superiors about projects that have to be established within a certain period
of time. Finding receptive lifestreams, who are open as emissaries to channel
the energies into form. When the veil of maya has been removed this process will
be much easier, because the individual is then able to perceive the scope of the
plan. The importance of being alive, fulfilling your divine plan, is to give an
example to life how your specific interpretation of Love, Wisdom and Power will
manifest in the world of form. An additional melody of harmony and beauty in the
symphony of life.

The control over
your lower bodies is a tenacious and ongoing work. Find your balance in
Infinity. From here it is easy to direct your body. Your I AM Presence is
infinite. So grow to HIM/HER to explore all that is infinite. Reflect your
discoveries in your bodies. Let them outpicture the Wisdom and beauty of
Eternal Life. Because growth is enfolding slowly and, one step at a time,
it is sometimes difficult for you to perceive where you stand and what you
have accomplished. Behold the presence of the God qualities your Christ Self is
wielding through your lifestream. The tolerance and forgiveness you show
in the presence of negative thoughts and feelings. The absence of thoughts
and feelings of retaliation, after a few moments of discomfort and
sadness, which may still manifest at times in your feelings. Your natural
application of the Violet Fire at all times shows then that you are well on your
way to eternal balance. When you "let go and let God,
" you become more and
more attuned to Divine Mind. The so called "problems"
of your world begin
to fade and loose their threat and danger, and you begin to discern Truth
in all life. Let Divine Mind take over your outer life by ALWAYS being in
the Silence. You can also call it: "To be in the world, but not of it."
When the focus of
your attention is more and more drawn towards your Presence, you begin to
realize what it is you have to perform in your sphere of influence. Although
your Presence is the Doer, the Doing and the Deed, you are the executer of these
actions, which have to be done.
Service enables
the Cosmic and Ascended Beings to use the Body of Light as a FOCUS to expand and
accelerate Divine Principle in the hearts of all humankind.
The beauty of the
higher Octaves of Light is overwhelming. You are drawn by the law of
attraction to the same kind of vibrations that you emit yourself to levels of
love, compassion, healing, power, etc. Your own keynote will blend in
perfectly, in these realms, by the law of least resistance. You need to
make an effort to put your attention on other planes of existence if you
want to be there.
To reflect the
grace and perfection of Eternal Life, you have to focus on that you wish to
become. Make your aura strong, so that no negative energies are able to disturb
your inner balance ever again. You know you will be tested again and
again, till you have mastered this lesson.
The waves of
Light, which spiral their way from the sun downwards through the Seven Spheres, actually never leave their Source. How far and magnificent their achievements
and faculties may be in the form worlds, the nourishment and anchorage has
always been and shall always be in the Great Silence of the Source I AM
THAT I AM! Like a tree, which is rooted in the earth. How tall, strong and
magnificent it will grow, it always receives its nourishment from the
earth. How taller the tree, the more expanded the roots and how stronger it is
established in the earth. How greater evolved a spiritual being, the
stronger (S)He is rooted in the Great Source and how more of the miracles
and glory (S)He can manifest in His/Her Sphere of influence, be it a city,
a country, a planet or a universe.
Just like the
white light of the sun needs a crystal to divide into colors, so does the White
Light of the Presence need a focus to divide: One Energy, One Vibration and One
Consciousness into the many colored faculties, powers and consciousness.
In our universe we are accustomed with the division in:
one-three-seven-infinite. The one Light divides in the three primary colors: Pink, Gold and Blue, which become the Seven Rays, Spheres and bodies,
which each divide in seven, etc. We learned that each Sphere has its main
Quality, that subdivides in seven. So we have 49 qualities of perfection,
some dormant and some very vividly alive in our being. And they all have
to be developed. It is a long, but very beautiful journey.
The Seven Spheres
of perfection are for our Mother-Father God, what our seven bodies are for
us. By expanding our consciousness and experimenting with our creativity, we
expand "the Borders of the
Kingdom," which means that we develop something
new and original, which was not present before in the exact same form.
When you look
outside in the night and admire the splendor of the stars and planets in the
universe, you explore the boundaries of your outer view. You can also look
inside and explore the boundaries of your inner sight, which will become
'in-sight.' How much of these 'energy-fields'
can you perceive, and how
strong is your endurance to connect with these energy fields? This will
give you insight of your inner world and the inner worlds of other's. In
reality of course, the "inside"
is as infinite as the
Loving all life by
accepting the many different levels of consciousness and the many stages
of learning and discerning, you accept the diversity of embodied life and revere
their efforts for good. Holding the immaculate concept and expanding every
attempt to do well in any part of life, you enhance their evolution and
follow God's Will. Because all life is so dependent on each other and
united in the oneness of life, it is necessary that humankind becomes
aware of this fact. When the Body of Light can express this Unity strong enough
on the mass-consciousness, it will be accomplished.
Ever growing, ever
expanding, with periods of rest. The 'inbreath'
eternal life. The joy of service becomes such an overwhelming part of your life,
because you have chosen this life by your own free will and you enjoy the
work you do with so many others in a consciousness of unity. The natural
growth of perfect things takes time. The outer self has
to deal with time. Time is
included in it's very existence, which is limitation. When it is engaged
in a project, it wants to see the results immediately. However, your I AM
Presence is engaged in projects which oversee lifetimes of many
Distraction is one
of the greatest obstacles of spiritual growth. Distraction from the Divine
Principles and getting tied up in personal matters, desires of any kind and
karma." They are the well-known 'flowers,' which grow at the sidewalk,
tempting the pilgrim to stop, smell their perfume and enjoy their beauty.
You have to learn to look through the 'eyes of
eternity,' experiencing the
Beauty of the Law in any circumstance or thing. Loving all, without being
attached to anything.
Learn to serve in
anonymity, then your outer self cannot claim all the Energies of the Higher
Realms, which enter your chalice. They are not going to the self, but THROUGH
the self to transmute the outer miscreations. Sometimes it comprises the
withdrawal of your outer occupations or profession, although this is not a
requirement. It means the complete surrender of the lower self to the
'Father' within, the Doer, the Doing and the Deed.