The Expansion
of Consciousness!,
The effort of becoming one
with God is not a part of the human self, which
wants to become one with God, because it can't.
It is the ATTENTION of the consciousness on God,
the "Heart of the Great Silence;" and to do this
in a rhythmic way; monthly, weekly, daily,
hourly and finally at all times, 24 hours a day.
When your consciousness is more and more focused
on the Great Silence and your bodies purified,
an aura of sanctity establishes around you,
which is stronger than any human vibration and
condition. Then you will always be in peace and
harmony, under any circumstance. When you are
completely and unconditionally focused on the
Presence of God I AM, your divine plan unfolds
naturally and comfortably. You do not expect
anything but give your all to the service at

Just like electricity is
formless but very powerful, so is God's energy.
We have to create forms, pieces of art, ideas,
plans, and ways of living to give God's
Life-energy form in this world. It is always
aimed at the highest good for all. The 'Great
Silence' will enfold you in all the protection,
transmutation, harmony, love, wisdom, power or
anything you need. When this has been done, it
begins to expand into your sphere of influence
and that expansion will never stop again. So is
the expansion of your consciousness.

To communicate with God you
don't have to go far. You do not have to "call"
to God, because He is already here. It is the
life that makes your heart beat, the life that
enables you to feel and think. Only remove the
illusions of the outer self
and create as God Creates. Communication in the
Great Silence takes place instantaneously. Where
your attention goes, there you are, realizing
that all other parts of life are Your Being, how
bright or dim their light may shine forth.
Beloved ones, like humans
communicate with each other by words and
actions, so do Planets and other Cosmic Entities
communicate by magnificent patterns of colors
and sounds, the so called: "Music of the
Spheres." To be a part of this symphony of color
and music, you have to become crystal pure in
and feeling world and totally committed to do
the Will of God. The splendor of your Causal
Body will indicate to the Cosmic Beings, Who do
frequently visit this planet, in what kind of
service you'll be asked to participate.
Because service it will always be, through all
eternity as has been told before.
And then, what will happen?
When you courageously and tenaciously 'keep on,
keeping on,' you will notice a slight but very
important change in your life. It will happen
very gradually, but clearly as a sign that you
are serving on a higher level of consciousness.
It feels as if your aura is expanded [and it is]
and you are on an Island of peace, harmony and
an ever-growing joy and bliss by the conscious
experience of the gift of life. The emanations
of the mass-consciousness are no longer able to
permeate the "hem of your garment," your aura.
You can compare it a little by sitting in the
cinema, watching a movie. What ever happens on
the screen, you are in a different place and
nothing can affect you, unless you let it, by
getting emotionally involved. So also in this
state of consciousness. You must not get
emotionally involved with what you see or
encounter. Your task is to radiate the Sacred
Fire in your sphere of influence and help where
help is required.

But never leave your state of
consciousness, what is often referred too as: "A
state of listening grace." When you are in a
state of "Listening Grace", which is
complete harmony and peace, on a permanent base,
all things are possible. What do you want to
manifest in your life? It can be a project
or an idea, but also the radiation of certain
qualities you want to share with your fellowman
through their I AM Presence and Holy Christ
Self. The currents of this quality or qualities
can become so strong and powerful that you can
create "an Octave of Light" on the physical
level of existence. Then you can be of the
maximum assistance. Also the sustenance of peace
is necessary to reflect the countenance of the
Infinite Presence. This world with ever changing
circumstances and challenges is a perfect
schoolroom to teach you mastery in peace.