

connection between the Higher Self and the
physical form is an eternal flowing stream of
pure blazing light. The connection between the
outer consciousness and the One Universal
Consciousness is a bridge of thought and
feeling, which is created by the -self-conscious
endeavor of the lifestream aspiring to re-unify
with the Divine Oneness.
The physical
connection of the Oneness with the human form
which animates the human heart is but part of
the Higher Self that must be reestablished by
every lifestream who desires the right and the
ability to receive directions unmistakably clear
from the Divine whereas the activities of daily
life will be completely governed by the Higher
Self. This is the natural estate of every man,
woman and child in the Universe, and the
sometimes blind groping of the outer self in an
endeavor to comply with the law of one's being
is a far step from the natural illumined
consciousness, which is channeled in a clear
manner as to the process of every instant of
every day.

preparation of the chela is to re-establish this
conscious connection and communion so that
"every activity, every heartbeat and every
breath of their daily life becomes the divine
and perfect activity of the One." You can in
your own understanding and application endeavor
to establish and sustain such a communion with
the divinity, that your future progress might
proceed in great peace to the fulfillment of
your own sacred plan and destiny.
For embodied
beings of light who walk the Path of Life and
who in this journey seek the purpose for their
being, Service is the Law of Life. The
moment individualization takes place the Flame
must begin to accept the responsibility to give
a balance to the Universe for the privilege of
drawing breath, of using life and of sustaining
a physical existence by which understanding and
illumination brings freedom to the
consciousness. As the law of one's being is
service the experience of life will constantly
make it necessary for the ego in some manner to
serve their community, their nation, their

Much of
humanity's heartache, disappointment,
disillusion and failure come because the natural
drive to serve within the lifestream has not
been illumined to a point where the individual
knows that "unconditional service" to the
Divinity of Oneness is the Law of Being and the
ultimate purpose for sustained life. When we
serve individuals, when we serve a
nation, or a cause, we serve FORM, and the
return will always contain some of the
imperfection which such externalized form finds
as the heart center of its being.
an individual serves God unconditionally their
service will take them into the presence of
individuals, nations, causes and they can be of
great benefit to them all, knowing that
neither their reward nor their ultimate goal
results from these third dimensional strivings.
Humanity often serves through duty, through
moral exactitude, and one day soon will come to
understand the One Universal Consciousness and
thus serve this Oneness through Love. The
physical sun is shining in your heaven and
humanity is the beneficiary of its light but the
sun shines only within the glory of God. It is
neither cognizant nor concerned with who will
by its presence. Its divine plan is to shine
for the Glory of God because there is One
unfailing source of gratitude, love and
constancy and that is the Universal First Cause.

serve God does not mean to disassociate yourself
from other life forms, or to cast off the
obligations that experience life
caused the soul to accept, but it is the sacred
contract of your own life, action and being.
Just as you set a thermostat, use the desire to
serve the Universal Cause of Good, to enrich the
Cause of Good where you find it but do not
expect a return from the object which benefits
by your Love of God. Know that your return
always come from the Sun of your Being. How many
valiant beings have missed the mark by
misunderstanding the Law of Service? In each
nation there are often many who chose to serve
their own desire for authority in the creation
of form through only human thought and feeling.
They must once again dedicate their soul and
nature to only the Service of God Purpose, as
the Sun does, before they can come again to
Service is
the expansion of the Flame; it is the
externalization, the manifestation of spiritual
energy waves, and that Flame will bring on its
return current the vibration of that which is
served. Two individuals standing in the same
time and space, performing exactly the same
actions can experience an entirely different
result determined only by the Force which they
have decided to serve preceding the activity.
The one dedicated to serving God's Cause to Life
can render the same physical ministration and
yet be relieved of any feeling that recompense
will come forth from the one receiving the
benefit. Another, with equal sincerity, seeing a
need for ministration, may hold an expectation
of or from this service, rushes forward, fills
the need, then, having served the "limited"
receives back the imperfect and/or receives
nothing and is embittered through this service.
Many have
come and have remained within Earth's plane
because their Love of the Oneness of Light is
great enough that they would bring to humanity
the gift of Divine Presence. But the quality of
their service is not influenced by those who
receive it. If there be one life or a million it
does not matter, and when you proceed in this
manner you too will know Peace, for Peace comes
when to the best of your ability you are
endeavoring to serve the Cause of Good ...
manifesting it ... and are not concerned with
any external activity or situation and how it
might effect you and/or your service.
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
