Diamond Heart.
The Diamond Heart symbolizes
the purity of God's Love for all Life contained
in an indestructible form of law and order.
The Chalice is the symbol of the heart and is
the anchorage of divine love. The nurturing
activity of all spiritual understanding takes
place in your heart center, for it serves as the
womb of all divine ideas that will eventually
manifest in the outer world of form.
The Will of God is good, the
Will of God is harmony, the Will of God is
abundance, the Will of God is perfection for all
life. In order to be the dispenser of God's
gifts you have to reach that place where the
personal self has no control over your
lifestream any more under ALL circumstances.
The Inner Christ will show
you the limitations and weaknesses that still
prevent you to become one with God, if you ask
Him! Why is it so difficult for a human
being to surrender his/her will to God? Well,
because human will has been in power for such an
immense period of time, that (s)he will never
voluntary give up this power. Hence the
repeatedly stressed encouragement to use and
use, and use the
Violet Fire of Freedom's Love.
The Will of God often
challenges you to choose between your and His
Will. Total surrender can only be found when
your consciousness realizes that no permanent
solutions are being found in pursuing human
will. You have your free will for this specific
reason: to follow and obey the Will of God as
your own choice. Then you will never astray from
the path of righteousness ever again.