A Wise Man once said: "Consciousness is center without circumference and Matter is circumference without center. Both need each other to form a complete creation."

Compare it with electricity. Electricity is center without circumference and the billion electric appliances are circumference without center. Both need each other to do the work or the service for which they are made.

Every creation is unique and has a divine plan. Likewise with humanity. We are all unique and don't have to emulate anybody. However we have to fulfill our divine plan. That is not possible in one lifetime. We need many incarnations to complete our purpose for being.

Compare it with a school child. Many years are necessary to teach and instruct the children to pass successfully through the tests and exams to graduate to a higher school.

Forms evolve in time and space and consciousness evolves through awareness.

Humanity has to learn to control their energies of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting. The result is: Patience. Patience is the capability to keep your energies within your aura until the controlling Presence—You—decide they are purified enough to send them out on their mission into the world.

This is a sacred service for which you are responsible and accountable.

That is the first task we have to complete. The second is to balance the "Threefold Flame" in your heart: gold-wisdom, pink-love and blue-will. We have to perfectly balance the love wisdom and power in our hearts.

Finally we have to transmute and purify all misqualified energy we used in this life and in our previous ones. Our 'Karma'.

It takes many lifetimes to complete the evolution of a human being and become a Master of Wisdom and Compassion, but it is the ultimate goal of every lifestream. (human being)

To summarize again:

1. We have to fulfill our unique Divine Plan

2. We have to control our energies.

3. We have to balance our Threefold Flame.

4. We have to transmute our misqualified energies.