As you proceed
into an understanding of the Voice of the
Silence, you will know that anything which makes
you humble, anything which makes you selfless,
anything which make you loving, anything which
makes you harmonious, is prompted by God. The
feelings that stir within your heart that desire
to make of this star a planet of light, relieve
the burden of your fellowmen, to raise those in
pain and distress into understanding and
harmony, that is of Light! That which decreases
the personality and increases the power of the
Christ, IS OF GOD! Ponder my words and my
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, Inc.

How often have we
sat together, teacher and pupil, guru and chela,
master and disciple, and looking upon the
perfection pre-ordained for the Earth, vowed to
weave our own Life Energy into this tapestry
wherein every man would be a manifest God, every
woman a Goddess, and every child an Angelic
Being of Light and perfection.
As those souls we
love so well were summoned by the Lords of Karma
to stand before them to receive their heritage
of good and their heritage of evil to be
expiated in the life to come; as those bonds of
forgetfulness closed the Spirit's memory round,
have we been forgotten, and the pledge of the
heart, the love of the lips, and the enthusiasm
of the soul carrying the weight of the creation
of the centuries, found not within the heart the
stimulation to proceed - and we who stand at the
other side of the great abyss awaiting the
voluntary energies and the stirring of
remembrance, thus find ourselves without a body
in form.

Can you feel the
depth of Gratitude within our Hearts when,
through your outer minds, you even acknowledge
our Presence; when in the deep recesses of your
hearts, you breathe a prayer for remembrance;
and then your feeling, weighted down with the
accumulation of the centuries, ask for the fire,
courage and constancy to follow the Vision, and
incorporating the energies of the self, help us
to externalize the God Plan which is for the
Blessing of all Life?
You do not know
how eagerly we respond to the call of your
hearts - how we discuss in detail the particular
service and gift which we may bring to leave a
lasting impetus within your own lethargic
consciousness which will carry you forward with
no uncertainty, and enable us, through you, to
press our Reality, Purpose and Design into the
minds and feelings of your fellowman.

The Great Law is
such that when the lifestream stands at the Door
of Freedom and accepts before the great Karmic
Board the ASCENSION, the One no longer has a way
and means of reaching into the consciousness of
the race EXCEPT through the Love bonds that,
built through the centuries, stir now and again
in the heart of an incarnate friend ― and on
these frail bonds we depend for the continuity
of our service and our endeavors.
It is with
extreme pleasure that I look upon the awakening
consciousness of the people in Western bodies.
It gives us tremendous encouragement to find the
thousands of lifestreams who are accepting, at
least intellectually, the Presence of those they
choose to call "Supermen" because, in that
acceptance, we can draw closer and give our
assistance through all the channels which are
natural faucets for the development and
furthering of God's Divine Plan.
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, Inc.
