An Ascended Master once said, that wisdom was
like sunlight on the clouds. Necessary to enable
someone to explore the environment. However
sometimes a sunray pierces through the clouds
and reaches the surface of the earth. This
is a chela (student of the Masters) who decided
to put into practice the lessons (s)he had
learned and APPLY the law of
Harmony and Peace.

Through the course of our
evolution we have read so much about divine
principle, that by now we should KNOW it
thoroughly. There
are many websites
more of the same. I will not in any way
whatsoever trivialize what is written. Of course
not, it is food for the soul. However it
is time now to eat.
We have to apply the
teachings and then become them. Becoming the Law
of Harmony and Peace. 24/7 under ALL
circumstances. As long as we are still getting
out of balance by a telephone call, what is
broadcasted on TV or a misplaced word by
someone, etc; we are not yet ready for the
'Higher Knowledge'. And this knowledge is not
given into custody of the human ego, but only in
the hands of the Christ

Our I AM Presence has this knowledge already and
works with it on Its own Cosmic levels. In order
to work more completely with our Presence, it is
adamant to attain this inner equilibrium. If
not, these tests will continue till our last day
on this earth. It is just our own misqualified
energy returning 'home' for redemption.
Blaze the
Violet Fire through it.
There is no one
or nothing to blame then ourselves. Whatever the
outer circumstances. We
but we tend to forget when the
misqualified energy returns without the proper

I know it is again...'more of the same'.
Hence I very rarely speak and prefer to
abide in the 'Great Silence'. This Silence
has been given many names, such as : 'The
Upper Room', 'The Heart of God'. 'The Place
of Eternal Peace', 'The Abode of the Most
High' where is place for everyone,
who abides by the Law of
Harmony and
Peace for all eternity.
