Beloved friends of the Mercy Flame,
Every time you forgive yourself, do you not feel closer to God? Of course, for the transforming flames of forgiveness assist you to have courage as they blaze through your four lower vehicles with the most powerful aspect of divine love, the sacred Violet Fire! Today I wish to remind you that by often performing this service for yourself, your consciousness will become clearer, enabling you to come closer to the actual perfection of your lifestream, which is anchored deep within your blessed heart. It is in the very center of this pulsating constructive energy that your soul is vivified, for there your Holy Christ Self abides; that magnificent being who you were before and whom you must one day become again, this time remaining in that state of consciousness forever.
As you approach ever closer to this manifestation of perfection, you are quickly
coming to fully understand the divine principles, with which you are already
however caution you, that every time you feel that the outward activity of
forgiveness should take place, always test your motive and reason first. The
desire individuals have to either go before another or have one come before them
and formally ask for forgiveness may be rooted in the human desire to control
either the situation or another person. Many people believe rituals such as this
must take place at the physical level in order to fully achieve peace of mind
and heart. Although this is true, make sure that when you ask for this, it is
not requested out of anger. Also, whenever you ask others for their forgiveness,
ask from a pure heart of love with no strings attached. Many individuals have
come to realize that through the gifts of mercy and compassion, this beautiful
activity can also be further accomplished from within the sacred sanctuary of
Cosmic law asserts that one must first give in order to receive. Thus, dear ones, once again I lovingly invite you to enter the peaceful garden of love, wisdom and power in your own shining hearts. Then, working in unity with me -and this is of the utmost importance- through the I AM Presence of all involved, invite the lifestreams you feel you need to forgive into this sacred place. As you say, "I forgive, I forgive, I forgive", see it as a blessing to them, thereby helping and encouraging them to forgive you. Then, as you say "forgive me, forgive me, forgive me", through your courageous example, you are also assisting them to learn more about and revere the sacred Law of Forgiveness, for, as they forgive you, they will also find release, and experience the rebirth of spirit, fully becoming the physical expression of the joy of forgiveness!
Beloved ones, by remembering the oneness of all life and performing this silent
ceremony of forgiveness in the innermost temple of your heart, all individuals
involved will receive forgiveness, whether they are receptive to this activity
of sacred fire or not, for when one lifestream is able to truly find release
through self-forgiveness, all life is blessed in like manner. Thus, you will
continue, through your example of inner strength, to assist your brothers and
sisters in the family of man to receive illumination and further understanding
concerning the many circumstances
Beloved of my heart, you are blessed beyond words for your great service of
light and love. Know that whatever you do to expand the light of the world is
profoundly cherished by those of us abiding in the higher realms. Rest now
within the comforting power of the flame of forgiveness, for I AM always with
Your loving sister and friend,
Kwan Yin
from : The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
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