
Finally we have arrived in a new era where new energies and vibrations are changing the world rapidly. A higher vibration is entering our thoughts, feelings and bodies and are urging us to think and feel in a higher, positive and  more constructive manner. It is no longer wise to react in the old ways of competition and greed. This new age is based on cooperation and sharing.

What we are witnessing is the dissolution (ontbinding) of the old ways. What was shall never be again. Do not be afraid, embrace change. Have faith that in the end all will be well, very very well. At least when you think, feel and act constructively. Go to your innermost being and confirm within yourself: "Be still and know that I AM God!"  In our hearts we are all perfect. It is when we listen to the machinations and fears of our ego, that we are loosing our way and start listening to others in stead of to the Source we are all connected to in our hearts.

Remove yourself as much as possible from the fall of the old world around you and try to help others if you can, who may be enmeshed in destructive currents by tremendous losses of loved ones or possessions. Use your gifts to life to make a difference during these times of tremendous transition.