There is a sea of One Universal Consciousness which
has no center and no periphery, which extends from
eternity to eternity and within which are merged the
individual consciousness of all awakened Beings.
This divinity enfolds us within itself. Within it is
our Breath.
It is our Being. It is our environment and it is our
Cause, and yet each one of us, in some strange
inexplicable way is the Heart Centre of that Sea of
Consciousness, and to the aspiring soul who would
attain serenity we can but say that it is awareness,
and an awakening, and an unfoldment.

In the tightly closed bud, the heart center of the
flower knows naught of the worlds around it and
finds the close confines of the enwrapped petals as
the outer periphery of its world. But as the forces
from within itself push forth in its progressive
stages of growth, and as the forces from without
play upon the unfolding flower, the heart center or
consciousness of the bloom becomes aware of the
great world around it, that always was, and which
enfolds and surrounds it.

So it is with humanity today who stands with
clenched fist and tight-shut eyelids within the
narrow periphery of their own world, which is the
effect of the thoughts and feelings of their
imaginings. When, however, the heart center of this
Being begins to awaken and push forth the Divine
Plan, coupled with the pressure of the Cosmic Moment
from without, then gradually the narrowed eyelids
are forced to open and the bands to relax, and so
the Divine impulse of this Being causes them to
unfold until we find our self a flowering bloom in
the World of Light far beyond that of our own wild
and inconceivable imagining.
The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.org
