The Heart-Center of God I AM is in constant motion and fills the entire Universe with a rhythmic vibratory action even as your body breathes in and out in a steady pulsation of Life. The Divine Oneness sends forth that radiation to the periphery of the Universe, and the entire Universe (being this body) every electron within that Universe feels every pulsation from this Cosmic Heart and should vibrate in like manner were it not for the qualification of that energy by the individual lifestreams.

To understand the power of radiation one must enter the Fourth Dimensional Activity where the unseen but powerful Rays are constantly vibrating from their manifestation of the One Universal Consciousness, I AM.



There is no place in this Universe where there is no motion or vibration, just as there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Each electron which composes every atom, visible and invisible, is pulsating with the heart-beat of the Divine, and the vibratory actions of those electrons form what you know as radiation. Groups of electrons and atoms which are drawn together in a blade of grass, a tree, or a human, are constantly emitting a pulsation of energy which is the radiation of that particular object or being.

The blending of these various vibratory rates in the Divine scheme of things provides one great and natural whole.



The "atmosphere" is formed by the rhythmic pulsation of the Earth, Water, Sun and Air. The radiation from the grass and the foliage is provided as a restful outpouring to accelerate the evolution of humanity. Every manifestation in the Nature Kingdom is governed by this Lifestream and that of the Intelligences devoted to this particular service, and all such radiation in itself is beneficial and constructive, or if temporarily destructive, requires transmutation.




Humanity's radiation is the result of free-will, and the quality of the release has fallen far from the original intent of the Divine Plan for the Universe. The unconstructive radiation in the world today is the result of misqualified Divine Energy released through individuals who know not how or cares not to permit this Pure Energy to flow through their lifestreams for the benefit of all life everywhere.

You can readily see that, in order to manifest the Divine Perfection humanity must assume their proper place in the Divine Plan and let the Divine Energy flowing through their bodies go forth to perform their Cosmic Service.

© The Bridge to Spiritual